Cutouts 2020 -
Cutouts can be loosely grouped together with other works from around this time and employ a simple strategy of overlaying an appropriated design over a complex group of textile patterns culled from also design history. These designs and patterns are draw on my extensive research into early and mid 20th century design, particularly that of women artists and designers.
Cutout (red), 2021. Acrylic on canvas, 36” x 42”
Cutout (blue violet), 2021. Acrylic on canvas, 60” x 54”. Private Collection

Up End, 2021, 60" x 48", acrylic on canvas.
Works on paper
Lay Over, 2020, gouache on paper, 11" x 14".
Cutout (blue violet), 2021. Gouache on paper, 14” x ”11
Ticking Cutout, 2021. Gouache on paper, 15" x 11".
Weave (GS), 2021, gouache on paper, 15" x 11".
Ends Meet, 2020, gouache on paper, 11" x 15".
Back Track , 2021, gouache on paper, 15" x 11".
Back Track II, 2021. Gouache on paper, 15" x 11".
Telltale, 2021. Gouache on paper, 15" x 11".
Above Board, 2021. Gouache on paper, 15" x 11".
Gouache on paper, 11" x 15".
Gouache on paper, 15" x 11".
Gouache on paper, 11" x 15".