Lean Back 2017 - 18
Fragments of objects in rooms continue in these works were presented both in my exhibition Shape of Things at the West Vancouver Art Gallery June - July 2017 and a selection called Lean Back were shown Installation at Birch Contemporary, Toronto, ON, March 15–April 21, 2018 at Birch Contemporary, Toronto.

Shoulder. 2017, acrylic on canvas, 42" x 36". Private collection.

Hot Spot. 2017, acrylic on canvas, 46" x 36". Private collection.

Rattan, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 42" x 36". Private collection.

Covering, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 42" x 36". Private collection.

Purse, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 14" × 11". Private collection.

Cut Through, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 14" × 11". Private collection.

Pillow, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 15" × 12"

Fold Over, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 14' x 11".

Opposing Corner, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 16" × 14". Private collection.

Build Up, 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 16" × 12". Private collection.

Loops, 2016. 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 15" × 12". Private collection.