Outtakes focuses on modernist living rooms – the public face of the house as well as the public sphere of work or business – locations of social interaction. The source of these images are from film history and Hollywood’s coding of modernist minimalism with the antagonist of the story and also the impossible ideals presented in design history and deçor magazines.

Movie Scene | Alfred, 2002. Oil on canvas. 33 x 29". Private Collection

Movie Scene | LA Confidential II 2002. Oil on canvas. 37 x 49". Private Collection

Movie Scene | 9 1/2 Weeks 2002. Oil on canvas. 51 x 65". Private Collection

Movie Scene | LA Confidential II, 2002. Oil on canvas. 37 x 49". Private Collection

LA Confidential II, 2002. Oil on canvas

Design Interior | Wayne, 2002. Oil on canvas, 12" x 12"

Design Interior | Ron, 2002. Oil on canvas